The Watchtower has done its best to fight turning over documents that would show the scope of sexual abuse by elders. The final blow came last year when an appellate court affirmed a lower court's decision to fine the Watchtower $4000 a day for not turning over documents to the victim's lawyers.
In January, Watchtower settled with Lopez. One month later, on February 18, the church settled with Campos’s final victim Padron.
Attorney Irwin Zalkin confirmed the settlement. The amount, however, will remain confidential.
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Padron Case Settled. What happens to the fine?
by Slidin Fast init seems that irwin zalkin has obtained undisclosed settlement in the case.
the $4000 a day fine then seems to be dead.
the downside?
cha ching
NaijaNews Article: Here Are Seven Beliefs That Make Jehovah Witness Different From Other Christians
by AndersonsInfo in[the link states "six beliefs" but the title mentions "seven beliefs.
" looks like someone goofed!
here are seven beliefs that make jehovah witness different from other christians.
cha ching
I am glad that the "news" about JWs is getting spread, and wondered about the 'style' of this writing... it seems disjointed, and almost like a rough Google translation. It sounded a bit 'African' And then I looked up the source....
Naija News is the name of the newspaper... Naija is a new slang word for Nigeria...
"The word was coined by the country's youth as a way of distancing themselves from the old guard”
"What Naija means to me is: Nai - the old Nigeria with a bad image because of corrupt ex-leaders and Ja - a slang for disappear. So when we say Naija, it means that we, the youth, are determined to cleanse the country and show the world the true colour of this great nation. Naija for real."With that in mind, I say "Go Naija!" Expose these JWs for who they really are! Every movement begins with a feeling, and this article helps us see how ex-JWs feel. "no house" "no education" "shunned" "pedophiles not brought to justice" "beaten" "family lost due to 'no blood rules'"
I love their picture!
"Hey Watchtower!" "We still have voices!" A picture says a thousand words. Go Naija!
Priming the Pump
by days of future passed inthe definition of priming the pump, is put to water manually into the casing of the pump so that it will create a seal and draw the water up.
it's a term used for economics but i like to use it when i am trying to hopefully help a jw, escape.
i view it as a long term endeavor.. whenever there are videos for upcoming conventions, i'll try to work the main theme into a conversation with them.
cha ching
I have spoken to a few ex-JWs this last year, and one common thing I heard from them was "something someone said stuck in my head.... and then I heard another.... and then..'
When the final straw fell, and the weight of the evidence added up, they were grateful for that first person, and the second, as now they are glad to be awake. They do not want to support such a greedy, unloving, user borganiztion.
They are all dead!
by Sour Grapes inthe watchtower company and the jdubs talk so nonchalantly about the year 1914, the year they say jesus became king in the heavenly kingdom.
they talk about the year like it was just a short time ago.
the invisible king began ruling in the invisible kingdom.
cha ching
One time I sat down and counted all the generations that were listed in either Matthew Mark Luke or John can't remember now, took all the years and divided them by that number. It came out pretty close to 40.
Jerusalem was destroyed in less than 40 years. That generation and many other Generations in the Bible were about 40 years.
Marriage Proposal in the Kingdom Hall
by Listener injust when you think you've seen it all comes another interesting use of a kingdom hall.a young man serenades his girlfriend with a song (possibly a watchtower song) from the stage through a microphone and backed by recorded music.
then he steps off the stage and gets down on one knee and proposes as he pulls out a ring from his coat pocket.
the large projector screen flashes up behind them with a picture of a sapphire and diamond ring.cameras capture the joyous moment as she accepts and they lock together in a loving hug.
cha ching
Yep Diogenesister I noticed the ring exchange too! I think they may have gotten married! Plus, They played the regular wedding bells music afterwards!
Solicitors Appontment Tomorrow - Advice Appreciated
by pale.emperor infollowing up on this thread:!#5179106934128640.
im seeing my solicitor tomorrow to see about getting an order in place making sure any contact my daughter has with my jw family goes through me and not my ex-wife.. explained the situation briefly to the lawyer, she was asking more and more about why should i be concerned if a jw had access to my child.. i mentioned the blood issue, the shunning, the inappropriate pictures of armageddon in books/mags etc.
do you think i should bring in watchtower literature to show them what i mean?
cha ching
Show the video where the mom gets a phone call from a DF'd daughter, looks at her husband, and sets the phone down. The girl looks sad, and wonders why they won't answer.
Winning The Battle For Your Mind Watchtower 7/15/2017
by Brokeback Watchtower inyou are under attack!
and your chief enemy, satan, is using a very dangerous weapon against you.
cha ching
I hear the same phrases come out of so many JWs all the time, like a printing press/ copy machine, the words roll off their tongue: "nobody's perfect, we know our leaders are not perfect"
Winning The Battle For Your Mind Watchtower 7/15/2017
by Brokeback Watchtower inyou are under attack!
and your chief enemy, satan, is using a very dangerous weapon against you.
cha ching
Diogenesister.... I just heard my dad (not a JW) was taken to the hospital Friday night.... I did not hear about it until Saturday night.... My JW sister "Well, we thought we would just get him checked out and come home, no problem" Me: "What if I just wanted to visit him? Maybe he would die? What would I want to do?"
Her: "Well... ummmm.... " Me: "Well what is family for? this is just strange to me, wouldn't family call family?" Silence...
I am not DF'd but they know I do not believe, and haven't gone in 5 years, my whole family-husband, two sons & wife & I left same time. PLUS I have been the one (with my DF'd husband and other ex jw sister) cleaning up the hoarders mess with rat poop and squalor for 7 months. They needed me then. The JWs were hard to find then, but they are better than us. They don't need to call us when dad slips, falls, loses consciousness and goes to the hospital.
The thing about this article is I just want to SCREAM "Look what this religion is doing to YOU!!!" I could feel the fire wanting to come out of my eyes when talking to her, but I did good... I held back, I did not hit her with both barrels.... I played the "I don't understand" card.
I knew, and know, that if I play the direct "it's your religion" card, I will lose. Because of this article, and ones like it that say "They are like a soldier leaving the army, they will try to tear down your allegiance, your hope in your leaders, that is what Satan does" and crap like that I cannot even speak freely, I will be the propagandist.
WT can cut anyone down, call any religion evil, "Babylon the Great, the Whore", but don't even try saying their leaders are "misleading you".
Winning The Battle For Your Mind Watchtower 7/15/2017
by Brokeback Watchtower inyou are under attack!
and your chief enemy, satan, is using a very dangerous weapon against you.
cha ching
The more I read their words, the longer I am out, I see the WT becoming a darker and darker evil.
They know what they are doing to people's brains, and are very, very good at it.
by DannyHaszard inman escapes jail for sex attacksbbc news - 1 hour, 42 minutes agoa jehovah's witnesss gets a community sentence for a series of sex assaults on children and escapes jail for sex attacks porter was put on the sex offenders registera jehovah's witness has escaped a jail term after admitting a series of sexual assaults on children and adults in clevedon.
michael porter, an elder in the religion, pleaded guilty to 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on 13 victims aged 18 months and older.
among the individuals were others involved in the faith.
cha ching
I was watching a British detective show lately, and there was a rapist who accosted a teenager on the way to school and when they found him he got 20 years in prison.
Why is it the raping of children, be molesting of children, the abusing of children, and messing up of their lives forever treated in such a serious manner?
Abusers get a few years of their lives taken, the children have to live with it the rest of their lives.
I believe that is a big part of the trauma when the children are invalidated and have to live with the memories and the abusers carry on Merrilee in their lives with no twinge of a conscience of what they did at all.